Send Paul to the Electoral College

Send me to the Electoral College in 2008 and I promise that I will vote exactly as I am supposed to. I will not abstain in a protest, vote for "the other guy" or otherwise do anything foolish. I will dress up nice, behave myself, and vote. I am a resident of the State of Kansas and a registered voter.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

2004 Kansas Certificate of Ascertainment

Here's what it looks like: The Kansas Certificate of Ascertainment.

A Certificate of Ascertainment lists the:

  • names of the electors chosen by the voters and the number of votes received
  • names of all other candidates for elector and the number of votes received
The Governor of each State prepares seven original Certificates of Ascertainment listing the persons appointed as electors as soon as possible after the November election.

Each Certificate must be signed by the Governor and carry the seal of the State.
One of the seven original Certificates of Ascertainment, along with two certified copies (or two additional originals) must be sent by registered mail to the Archivist of the United States.

Federal law does not govern the general appearance of the Certificate of Ascertainment. The remaining Certificates are paired with the Certificates of Vote at the Meeting of Electors in December.

Read the Certificates of Ascertainment Preparation and Distribution Instructions


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